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Hey River!

In youth group we've been talking about communion and the cross.  The cross is this beautiful place of exchange, and communion is a physical way we are reminded of the power of His sacrifice.  Because of the cross, we have 100%, full-access to GodHis power, His presence, and His promises.​ 

Psalm 23:5 says, "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over." Regardless of what you're surrounded by God has gone ahead and prepared a way for you to thrive where you are.  He's already prepared a place in your season where He wants to exchange your lack of ___(you fill in the blank) with His abundance. It doesn't matter what enemy is surrounding you.  Sickness and disease, fear and panic, any chaos that dares to threaten the gift of peace God has placed inside you through His Spiritit all has to answer to the power of the cross.  Fear, depression, sickness, shame, pain of every kind was nailed to the cross with Jesus so that we can pick up His peace anywhere.

II Tim. 1:7 says, " For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." We have a savior who wants to ensure that in the midst of situations where it is completely natural to feel afraid, insecure, and inadequate that we can instead have a sound minda side effect of feasting on His incredible power and love.  So let's meet Him at the table and exchange our lack and our striving for His everything.​



I Thank God- Maverick City :


Praise Your Name- Corey Voss :


Sound Mind- Melissa Helser :


Made for MoreJosh Baldwin :