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Hey Church,

This week I want to focus on Psalm 46:10:  "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."   Be still and know that I am God.  If you are like me, being still is not something that comes naturally.  I like to be mobile because sometimes having something to do helps distract from the storms surrounding me.  I convince myself I am making progress, but spritually it's like I have the pedal to the floor while my car is in neutral.  Progress and growth only happens when we come to the end of our current understanding, and discover something new about God and His perfect character.  Jesus demonstrated what "being still" truly meant when He rested on the boat.  Jesus was in the same boat as the disciples, He witnessed the same waves and fierce winds, but He was able to find peace and rest all because He knew that God was in control.   The disciples were amazed and they discovered something new about God during one of the most dangerous times they had been in.  They realized that God was watching over them, and even though there was a storm God was still in control.  Yes, there will be storms and distractions and hardships, but Jesus has overcome the world! (John 16:33).  This week, take time to "be still" and reflect on the example of Jesus; be reminded that we have overcome through Jesus!


Song List:

  1. No One - A
  2. We will Not Be Shaken - A
  3. Come What May - E
  4.  Don’t You Give Up On Me - A