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The autumn is my favorite time of the year. The changing leaves, the slight chill in the air, and the smells of cinnamon and pumpkin spice. I recently saw a meme that said "fall is proof that change can be beautiful." Yes, change can be hard and daunting at times. The thought of having to adjust to new things can bring anxiety for many. But change can be beautiful too. As we look at the beautiful fall leaves of red, yellow, and orange we embrace the wonder but they are actually dying. Isn't this a wonderful picture of the Christian life that in the process of dying out to self we get stuck in the pain of it and what we are losing but I wonder of God sees a collage of bright colors like a brisk autumn day. 

Romans 6:11 tells us, "So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:21 states something similar, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain." As we surrender our lives to Christ fully and completely things die and fall off from us that are not of God and we begin to live in Him with a new beauty and purpose. This week as you look at the fall foliage think about this process of dying that brings life. Change can be beautiful!


Song List:

Praise- Elevation-

Graves Into Gardens- Brandon Lake-

My King Forever- Josh Baldwin-

Fountains- Josh Baldwin-