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Hey River,

As we approach miracle Sunday this Sunday, I am reminded of all of the good things that God has done for me and my family over the years. He has continued to be faithful, especially through the dark times when hope seemed far from us. I am reminded that miracles happen every day. I am unaware of all of the interventions and adjustments that God has made behind the scenes that has saved me and my family from disaster and ruin. Many times, I have prayed for miracles in my life and in other's lives and nothing seemed to happen in the moment. This was discouraging at the time but God ALWAYS answers prayer, even if the answer is no or not right now. I have learned to lean on the everlasting arms of Jesus because he knows best. He saw our completed work at the cross and ever lives to make intercession for us today- day and night as our great High Priest. I am reminded that we should never chase the miracle but the miracle-maker; Not the gift but the gift-giver. This week let us take time to reflect on the miracles in our own lives and give Jesus praise for what he has done and continues to do. Remember, even when we don't see it or feel it, he is still working! In John 5, Jesus is healing and doing good on the Sabbath day and he is being accused and chastised for it by the pharisees. Listen to his response:

John 5:16-17, "So, because Jesus was doing these things on the Sabbath, the Jewish leaders began to persecute him. 17 In his defense Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” 


Song List:

Do what you want to- Vertical church-

Jacob Generation (original song)- (Psalm 24:3-5)

Too Good to Not Believe- Brandon Lake-

Waymaker- Leeland-