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River Church,

This week I am reminded of what Pastor Dan has been talking about in the last couple weeks in the sermons about the hands of God. Sometimes His hands are very visible and His move in our lives very evident while at other times it is hidden and behind the scenes. Why does God do this? We don't know for sure but I think that Pastor touched on a very important thing for all of us believers to remember and that is that God sees us from eternity. He is not bound in time,  in one place at once but is the creator of time and space and therefore can view us in our future, present, and past at the same time. This is a perspective that we will never fully understand and that is one big reason we just need to trust the hands of God- Father knows best! Psalm 31:15a says, "My times are in your hands..." Job declares even in his tragedy that, "In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind," (Job 12:10). If we could just get a glimpse of the sovereignty of God, we wouldn't fear about tomorrow. Our striving would cease as we truly rest in the hands of God.  


Song List:

I Thank God- Maverick City-

Fill This Place- Red Rocks-

Run to the Father/How He Loves-

Runnin- Brandon Lake-