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River Church,

Father's day is upon us already! This time of the year makes me think about not only the roles that fathers play in our lives here on earth but our Heavenly Father as well. There are so many attributes of our Father that could be discussed and words cannot contain all of the goodness He has bestowed upon us.  I am grateful for our Father's mercy and forgiveness because without it we would remain separated from Him. The scriptures tell us that His mercy triumphs over judgment (James 2:13). Our Father has every right to cast judgment upon us because we all fall short of His glory and even though we can't possibly earn His forgiveness He loved us and forgave us while we were yet sinners and dead in our trespasses. The scriptures go on to describe our Father as love (1 John 4:8) and in His perfect love He has adopted us as sons and daughters despite our failures and flaws. He's not looking for perfection in us but just our hearts wholly devoted to Him. It is this love and mercy that draws me closer to Him and not want to sin and break his heart. As Romans 2:4 teaches us, "...God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance..." He is always waiting with open arms. 


Song List:

Praise You Anywhere-

Alleluia/Holy Forever- Jesus Culture/Chris Tomlin-

Pour Over Me- Jesus Culture-

Pride of a Father- Red Rocks-