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Hey Church!

As we continue to learn about the hand of God, I am lead to Psalm 24.  David begins this Psalm by declaring that everything belongs to the Lord (Psalm 24: 1 and 2).   The earth, everything in it, all who live in it.  He concludes with verses 8-10: "Who is this King of glory?  The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.  Lift up your heads, you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in.  Who is he, this King of glory?  The Lord Almighty -- he is the King of glory."   Our God is the King of glory, the only one who deserves our praise.  The Bible says that the angels sing Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty…for eternity.  I think we need to take this example of magnifying God and apply it to our lives on earth.  Our Father has loved us as his own and we need to daily surrender our crowns and our lives to him who redeemed us, and led us out of our misery and into eternity.  Even with his dying breath, Jesus honored his Father by surrendering his spirit.   We like to believe that God has more for us in this life, and He does, but we first need to welcome Him with praise and worship, we need to seek the Kingdom first, we need to surrender our crowns and make room for the King of glory. 


1. Praise -

2. Agnus Dei/Echo Holy -

3. Crowns Down -

4. Abandoned/Gratitude -  /