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Hey River!

Today I've been thinking a lot about the gift of choice.  As followers of Christ we believe that God has a plan for our lives--that seasons change, that miracles are threaded through our story, that we were made for more.  The thing is, as we ask and pray for that "more" or that next season, we have a choice in how we wait.  We can actively choose to prepare our hearts for it.  In Joshua 3 we see the Israelites finally preparing to cross the Jordan to reach Jericho (a breakthrough 40 years in the making).  In the fifth verse it reads: "Joshua said to the people, 'Sanctify yourselves [for His purpose], for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders (miracles) among you.'" Joshua understood the need to posture the hearts of the people in anticipation of the incredible signs and wonders God told Joshua He was going to perform.  If we live in anticipation of breakthrough, there is a need to sanctify our hearts--this is a choice.  We can choose to set apart moments as holy.  "Setting apart" doesn't just mean avoiding what's on the "no-no list".  It means separating your focus from your emotions and from distracting situations that prevent you from being ready for God's next thing. Proverbs 4:23 says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." I can’t help but think of the future as I read this, because every choice we make toward maintaining the purity of our hearts is like adding a stone to the foundation of our future generations. Just as the Israelites would set up memorial stones of those incredible "God moments", the moments we choose to set apart as holy become the memorials our children will see and be reminded of God's goodness--those precious moments where we chose to lay aside everything and He met us right there. We can get so caught up in our own lives that we forget that life is not about us, but that every piece of our testimony gives glory to God that echoes through generations.  Let’s choose to worship Him with pure hearts, fully facing and desiring Him alone.  Let's make room for whatever He wants to do next, because we know it just has to be good!

-Kaylah and Nate

Song List:

  1. NEW SONG ** That’s Who I Praise -Brandon Lake -
  2. Make Room - Rebekah White -
  3. Have It All - Brian Johnson -

        4. The Blessing - Kari Jobe -