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Hey River,


This week I want to focus on the never-changing character of God.  Hebrews 13:8 says that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."  Simply, this means that the same God that performed the miracles we read about in the bible is the same God that lives in us today.   He was with Moses as the Israelites wandered through the wilderness, waiting for deliverance.  Even when they doubted God, He provided for them and lead them by hand into the promised land.  God was with Joseph in the pit after he was abandoned by his brothers.  When Joseph was in Potiphar's house, God made all that he did prosperous.  Even when Joseph was thrown into prison, God was with him.  That same God who delivered Moses and promoted Joseph desires to do the same for us today.  We can draw confidence from this, knowing that whatever changes and uncertainties come our way, God will always be constant.  Through Jesus, we have access to the limitless power of God.  His word says that "everything is possible for one who believes".   If we need deliverance and freedom, we can believe in the one who parts the seas.  If we need wisdom, we can fix our eyes on the one who is omniscient.  If we desire promotion, we should lean into the God who favors His sons and daughters.  His promise is still the same.  Amen!

Song List:

  1. Honey In The Rock -
  2.  Make A Way -
  3. Egypt -
  4. Praise -