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Hey church,

This week I want to focus on the power of our testimonies and recounting what God has done for us.  Our testimonies are ever-changing stories of what God has done for us, with every victory and loss our testimony grows and further develops our faith.   In Joshua 2, Joshua sends spies into the land of Jericho where they meet Rahab, who agreed to give them shelter while they were doing their spy duties.  In verse 9 she says: "I know that the Lord has given you this land and that a great fear of you has fallen on us, all that are living in this country are melting in fear because of you."  Rahab continues (paraphrasing): "When we heard what the Lord has done for you, our courage failed, for the Lord your God is God in heaven and earth."  The evidence of what the Lord has done for us is our enemies' kryptonite.   How much of a confidence boost must this have been for the spies to hear that the people of Jericho were trembling with fear because they knew they had no chance of victory.  There is nothing more dangerous to the enemy than a heart full of faith and rememberance. 

When we open our mouths and declare our testimonies, no matter how insignificant it may seem, our faith gets a little stronger because we know that God has been faithful and he will be time and time again.  The next time we face an impossible situation, we can declare our testimony and be confident that God already provided the victory.    Even in the valley, we can be confident that our story is not over.  Jesus didn’t go to the cross for us to be stuck in our situations of heartbreak, loss, and pain (whatever it may be).  We were made for so much more.   He died so we could be FREE. 


Song List:

  1. My Testimony -
  2. Honey In The Rock -
  3. Promises -
  4. Made For More -