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Hey River,

This week I want to build off of what Kevin shared last week.  In Matthew Chapter 9, we see Jesus perform miracles such as raising a girl from the dead, healing the woman who merely touched his cloak, and giving sight to two blind men.  In two of these miracles, Jesus calls out the faith that those in need of healing possessed.  In verse 22, Jesus says : "Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you."  Verse 29: "According to your faith let it be done to you."   God notices when we exercise our faith, and honors when we choose to trust Him above anything else.  The father believed if Jesus put His hand on his daughter, she would live (verse 18).  The woman spent 12 years searching for healing, but the healing came when she yielded to the power of God because she realized nothing else could heal her.  The blind men were unable to see Jesus, yet they still believed He could heal them.  Each of these miracles required an action by the seeker.  The father knelt before Jesus, surrendering all he had in his request.  The woman had to go into the crowd, sick as she was, and fight to get close enough to Jesus.  The blind men followed Jesus among the crowd and called out for Him.   Faith does not mean we are motionless, waiting for God to act.  Faith is praising in the storm, standing tall in the mess of life, and speaking the name of Jesus into our impossible situations.  Living in faith is living in expectation of God's promises manifesting in our lives.  This week let's exercise our faith by speaking His name into our lives, praising Him in expectation of the goodness of the Lord, and surrendering each day to His will.


Song List:

  1. We Praise You by Brandon Lake - A
  2. I Speak Jesus by Josh Baldwin - A
  3. What a Beautiful Name by Brook Ligertwood- D
  4. Rattle by Elevation - C