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Hey Church,

I loved what Pastor spoke about on Sunday. He said that God loves our dead ends. We might hear that and think that God is being cruel, but it couldn't be further from the truth. God sometimes wants us to reach dead ends in life. Sure, He equips us to function in many ways on our own strength. He gives us wisdom, intelligence, and talents. But it's the dead ends and the hopeless situations that cause us to stop and look up. We realize that some things are just too big for us, and that's when we can release them to God and surrender to him. We don't need to fear when we hit a wall. If we've done all we can do, we simply need to call in the big guns, and watch the walls come down. We can step aside and let God demonstrate His unlimited power and His love for us. We exercise our faith, we get blessed, and God gets glorified. He loves to show off sometimes! 


Song List:

There's Nothing That Our God Can't Do:

God of Revival:

Here Again:

Come Out of That Grave: